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Tag: healing with plants

Healing and our basic needs

During college I was fortunate to take several Psychology classes and I very  much enjoyed them. Among my favorite subjects were the humanist psychologists. They embodied a lot of what I thought and felt. It was like learning something which made so much sense to me I could barely believe it was “a thing.”

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The wonders and healing power of plants

When we feel lonely, stressed or anxious we need to reach out to plants, to be around them. Gardening is therapeutic and beautifying but beyond that, contact with plants begins to help us heal. Working with plants and being around them helps us remember who we are, what is important in our life and to regain perspective.

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To the Earth we shall return

When we work as Plant Spirit Medicine healers, and we begin to listen deeply to the wisdom of Nature in order to help others heal, we can over time begin to receive gifts and blessings in the form of realizations.

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Plant Spirit Medicine Healing & Beauty and the Beast

One of my favorite parts of the “Beauty and the Beast” movie is the moment when the animated objects run out of time and begin to turn completely into objects — no longer with human attributes such as feeling, speaking, moving, etc. There is something so poignant about those scenes. It absolutely made me think of Plant Spirit Medicine as a healing modality.

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Cultivating the stance of a Plant Spirit Medicine healer

This morning I found myself contemplating the preparation that healers undergo in order to be able to share their gifts with others. A few weeks back I wrote about right relationship, and certainly this is one of the important things to cultivate with the plant spirits and the entire natural world as we endeavor to alleviate people’s suffering. Here are other ways in which we become ready as healers:

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Questions and Answers on Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

As a result of my participation in the group, I was invited to write a blog on Plant Spirit Medicine, discussing questions people ask me about my healing modality. The blog post was published today on the Crystal Life Technology website. In writing the blog post, my dear teacher, Eliot Cowan’s words were front and center. But I wrote the post anyway. And here’s why I did it.

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Plant Spirit Medicine Healing and Shamanism

I remember quite vividly every single one of my meetings with Huichol shamans for the purpose of healing. Each session has been life changing and transformative. Each session has been different. And in fact, I’ve never gone to a shaman because I feel unwell physically. I go to them because they are experts at returning us to spiritual health and wellbeing. I am not a shaman. I am a Plant Spirit Medicine healer.

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